Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Personal Letter to Taylor Swift

I have planned to write for you for a long time when there are so much times to feel myself really sunk in your poetic and magnetic lyrics. So here I am once again, from album to album, and singles to singles, fangirling like a 13 years old. Now that I realize today is your birthday (December 13, 2012), I don't see why I need to delay any more words.

First of all, happy birthday, Taylor, I wish you can stick to your true self wherever your imagination may take you and hopefully you'll find a perfect guy that will make you start writing about world peace and more pieces like "Mean" instead of  your heart-breaking cycles. Not that I don't like it, I basically stalk and hum your songs in my entire conscious adult life. But I think your talent is much better to be spilled all over the encouragement issue than just to bend and mend the cracking heart all over the world, if you know what I mean.

If there's a celebrity that I want to be, it is you. Certainly there are backgrounds to that very statement. So here it goes, the reasoning.

When I listen carefully to your lyrics, it feels so familiar and at the same time making me contemplate. Yes, the lyrics do get those power. You are powerful through the things you master and I forever salute you for that. Can I first talk about "Fifteen"? Well, you sing the hearts out of every hopeless romantic 14-15 years old anywhere in the world through that song. You put yourself right there in the song, make it alive and graspable. And that's a quality, not even a professional singer, songwriter really has. That what makes you really distinctive and instantly rocket to fame. World aches to see humility, simplicity, and truth in music.

Basically, this one reason is enough for me to make a vow to update myself with whatever you are up to. But then, I search a little on YouTube and I can see all the hates you receive from your unconsciously admiring-secretly pawning-over-Taylor Swift group of people. The fact that you are not the best female voice in the industry just make me see more in you, and I believe so does others who respect your talent. You are no Beyonce nor Faith Hill, but you own it as Taylor Swift and nobody can ever match you on that.

Taylor, you are probably the only performer that dance awkwardly. I mean, maybe it's judgmental, but I personally think it is true. You do not move or do things that require a body harmony marries to beats perfectly. Even so, you always look cool cause you play guitar nicely. This bit probably is my favorite because it shows how normal you are. To be a great performer, you don't have to kill it flawlessly. The most important thing is to give your best shot. I learned that seeing your Vevo, Ms. Taylor.

Have I told you that I have fun watching your performances on stage? They are always a bliss to be watched. You enjoy it and so does your exquisite band. The sound you produce are just completing each other it is heartwarming.

Your not-so-bombshell figure is your plus point. You got these long skinny legs that ooze perfection, with bunny teeth. You are tall and I think that's why you seem a little hunched on back due to height adjustment. This is the kind of beauty you do not see in Hollywood yet it makes you more attractive and unique in a relatable way.

I see a video when you told people you were bullied. Growing up having a different way in looking at your dreams is a challenge and a wide open door to bullying. But as you constantly do, you manage just fine and eventually conquer all your fears and gain your dreams. That's an attitude of a heroine, and I look up to you because of your experience that led you gave birth to "Mean" and "The Best Day".

All in all, Taylor, I think you're awesome. Watching your interviews, you have this sense of random humor which makes me see you as a person. A human being that if ever we met, we would laugh over some silly things and shared inside jokes nobody understand. Listening to your works, you have this magical brain that chooses a perfectly right word, arrange each word to the ability of piercing through the core of every soul. You successfully voice what others find hard to say in a brilliant music. I think you will go far and stay on top, as long as you keep doing that and in the process do not lose your character. Keep up that good work on being an inspiration.


from Indonesia
Taylor, concert here, please?

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