Saturday, November 21, 2009

I will be home

Home is where all I want and all I miss belongs. Home is when I can be myself. Home is where I feel rejected but at the same time also feel loved. Home is everywhere I put my heart at.

I have been in Cikarang for about 4 months until now. It's because of my decision to leave my hometown since I was 2, Surabaya. I kinda regret it somehow. But I believe God has His bigger plan.

I have hated Surabaya since I can analyze this town from every side. No. it's not a town, it's a city infact. But I hate it because of its hot, dusty air. Everyday it has the traffic jam. I hate it but inside I know I really have loved it since I understand that this is the city I grew up.

I love it because I knew love here. The fake and the real one. How to forgive, how to accept everyone else. The real friend that really leaves beautiful and painful marks in my heart, that any other cities can't be perfect background as good and memorable as Surabaya. That's why it's so irreplaceble.

I'm waiting for 17th December now, it's when I'll be back to my hometown. My heart.

God bless

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Dreamy Dreams

What did you have in your mind when you were a little?

Well everybody would easily answer my question.

I remembered I was dreaming to become a NOVELIST, and that dream is still sticked in my head until now.
It was my dream that never changed.
And I didn't know that time went so fast, and suddenly other dreams kept coming. They popped in my head as I growed up.
I didn't know how much I loved language until I found a french course brochure. I wanted to be a POLIGLOT.Then I thought, I could become an INTERPRETER to. I just loved it.
Next, i was quite active in my church. I did the ministry. I loved to handle the event and decoration, and all of sudden I really desired to HAVE MY OWN EO. Now I stuck in PU, a wonderful mistaken experience I may say, but I didn't regret it. I'm now taking PR so that I may get closer to my EO dream.
Back to my junior high memories. I loved to write so I joined the journalistic club. One day there were a chance for me to join a competition. Not as the writer, they gave me the PHOTOGRAPHER position. So that was where everything about this photography things started. I sucked all the film roll I spent. Many many great humiliation I gave to my school in this photography mattera. I once even forgot to open the roll and did not capture any pictures at all.  Finally I had chance to use a digital camera. But I ran out of the battery in the middle of the event I had to report. What a surprise! I thought I sucked it all, but I didn't realise I have fallen in love to this world. Every workshop I passed, I eagerly wanted to learn more about photography, then I kept this dream in my mind.
Thee 3 worlds (linguistic, EO, photography) were simply just not enough. I was quite good at arranging words, then I just want to be a COPYWRITER too.
Damn I'm so greedy, but greedily good. Ho'ho'ho... I hoped this PR major I'm taking would help achieve those dreams... I wish in God to read this post...amen.

God bless

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's been so long...

I have my mid term week has already been finished...It's quite a tiring week...especially for me to be majored at PR..
I thought it won't be that difficult to study PR but I was totally wrong, the worst is unbelievably the PR subject itself.. wooo... The textbook is as bold as the Moses' tablets of 10 commandments. I was pretty stressed trying to figure out the best way to finish studying all the 6 chapters. But the exam was gone quite well. I hope for B, but I won't be surprised if it turns out to be C.
You know, at this point I see myself as a non-too-optimistic person. I'd rather see myself who try the best.
And the rest subjects...let's see, hope, and pray. Two subjects were open book exam which were IT and Communication, but it's full of analysis. Economy and Marketing, the lecturer is not too generous in giving marks.
State Philosophy...uh see...And Management, it's also analysis at home.

You know, this is my first year in university, so I think it's a worth experience to be shared about my first midterm in this nowhere university...well let's see if there's any of the bloggers know where and what is President University... Try to find it in between hell's gate and my first stepping stone to the future.
Tell me if you can find it...

God Bless

Monday, October 12, 2009

it's about pikku


about my thoughts
about loving
what and whom
about dreams and hopes
about memories
bitter ones
sweet ones
even the flat ones
tentang what I want to share
what I want to know
what I want to look for
what I want to laugh at
what I want to cry for
what I want to cover..

all of them...!

god bless