Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Culinary Experience with Dunhill

The event was held on April 26, 2012. Twas the event from the client of my old internship place. I helped out for documentation. This event was by DUNHILL, one of the foremost and hip cigarettes in Indonesia. They would like to launch their new product called DUNHILL Mild exclusively to the media friends. So this was actually an open circus for the media to know better about DUNHILL Mild. What made it unique was, the interpretation of the product characters through food experience.

Twas held in Social House, an urban hip kind of resto located in Grand Indonesia, an urban hip luxury based mall in Jakarta.

Lines-up of Wagyu, an exceedingly tasty and expensive beef steak.

First dish served was a Cream Soup with Garlic Bread (there's actual name, but I didn't recall it) by Chef Tristan, the nicest bule chef I ever known (not that I know many of 'em hehe).

Only Tristan who prepared two dishes among the chefs. This second dish was, errr... Snapper, I guess. The fish that every Masterchefs (the TV show) mastered.
These two dishes represented MORE of DUNHILL Mild. MORE reflects the extra mild cigarettes inside a pack of DUNHILL Mild (there are 20 cigss inside a pack).

The people (who were lucky enough to tasteee!!)

Here comes Maxi, energetic chef that called me: "Syandra's slave". Looking good with that can of fire sprays.

This is the outcome, the most applauded dish that day. "The juicy-ness of the meat was the key" - Words I heard several times.
This finely cut layers of Wagyu represented FINE CUT of DUNHILL Mild. Every cigarette of DUNHILL Mild is cautiously cut into 40 to 50 chops and makes it more subtle and gives smoother smoking experience.

The most interactive chef award was also goes to him.

The celebrity Chef of Gula Gula Cooking Show in Trans TV, Bara Pattiradjawane. Look at those sweet troops!

The result. The white chocolate box you could open and close that contained the Manadonese giant walnut was to represent RELOC of DUNHILL Mild, which is the signature seal of DUNHILL that could keep the cigarettes fresh and still tasty even after we open the pack.

These are the spotlights destination during the event. From left to right: Adhika Maxi, Tristan, Winne the MC (also Celebrity Chef), Andreas Pradhana (the Marketing Dude of Dunhill), and Bara Pattiradjawane.

The complimentary drink, there's clove inside of it. Not sure about the taste *clinching teeth. But still the look was pretty.

Overall, I was so happy AND hungry. I got off early to get me some Cheese Roti Boy. Well, I got the memories frozen here already, and for the record, this was my first paid Photography freelance job! Thank God!

Seven Blessings of First Fruit Offering

"So God is true, He lives and listens."

When you read any verses from Bible, sometimes it is hard to fully understand it, right until you come to have it on a real experience. You finally are able to grasp it when God translates the verse directly to your profound soul. It takes time, though.

My time was finally arrived because the prayer I murmured every morning since the first month of my internship begun was answered. Even things that I forgot to pray for, was given back to me. How this happened, I never will understand, but one thing now is clear, putting your faith on is one source of a great power to bring forth a real life testimony.

The church I come to every week is so active in teaching lessons about giving God your very best sacrifice as a form of obedience. It is about giving your first fruit offering (Exodus 23:15-19). What is that? It is simply to give your very first income of where God gives you land to work on (your workplace).

In short, the words touched me as I learned to obey. In the verses of Exodus 23:20-, it states that the first fruit offering could activate The Seven Blessings, they are:

1. Angel that will walk in front of you
2. Our enemy is also His enemy
3. Your bread and drink are guaranteed
4. No disease will be near you
5. No miscarriage or infertility in your land
6. Fulfillment of your days of life and long lasted life
7. Fruitful life and the possession of the promise land

Who doesn't want to possess all of these blessings? So, as the part of act of obedience, when the monthly incentive payment time came, I gave back the money I received after I fulfill the house rent fee. At first, I just waited and waited, I didn't know that you need to claim those blessings every single day (oh pity pity me!). So the first time I gave, I didn't feel that much of difference cause I know every day God already walked with me anyway :D.

But there was this one prayer I kept replaying, which is for God to give my mother a job that she needs.  So I gave the first income again, the one I got when I started working at my second internship place. And thanks to the man that testified about the power of giving the first fruit offering in the church, now I know that I have to claim the blessings.

Now I prayed, not saying that If You willing to give me, O God, but declaring that I know I will receive the blessings (and actually, my main focus is still "please give my mom her job" prayer). I waited, and once I questioned the result, hesitated the power. But then faith tapped my back, to not ever questioned God ever.

After that, not too long (about 2 weeks), my mom sent a text saying that Praise the Lord she got the job she's been interviewed for. Wave of relief came washing my stomach and weary heart right at the time I read her text.

I prayed the next morning, saying that I'm thankful. Then a flash came to my mind, I could see there how God actually had fulfilled the blessings, it's just that I wasn't sensitive enough to realize (I know it's lame). See, I make this list right now, the proof that Jesus really loves His people. And I'm proud to say that one of 'em is MOI.

1. My mom got a job
2. I don't know how but I never feel a day of lack of something. When I felt short on cash, a little miracle happened continuously. Strangers paid me my bus fare twice (I'd like to remember them as angels) and my kos-kosan friend helped to fetch me near my office so I can walk and don't have to spare any Rupiah. Or how about lunch paid by my supervisor twice, right when I don't have money?
3. I felt really sick one day, my stomach felt funny. I prayed, Angel supposedly won't let me be sick, right? So I continued going home riding the bus, alone and queasy. I tried to vomit but failed, then another "portal" opened. I slept on it. Next day, I felt like Imma brand new (SWAAG!). No medicine, just a faithful whispering.

4. Well this one could be the most proud moment I ever had. I had this childhood dream, that I sort of gave up along the way. I wanted to be a writer ever since I read the World Figure Series of Hans Christian Andersen. I loved the idea of being one, I love reading, I love language, but the determination to keep dreaming for it somehow just died.
It says that when you give First fruits, God will give back what belongs to you. Well, it happened.

When God happens in your life, then you can call it 'life'.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Every Being is Under Authority


Beberapa hari yang lalu saya menonton sebuah acara reality show pencarian Top Model di Amerika (yeah I bet you know what the title is), tapi yang bikin menarik, edisi kali itu dikorporasikan dengan model-model dari UK sehingga nama acaranya diembel-embeli dengan kata "British Invasion". Oww, I always love this kind of reality show.

Sedang sibuk membabat habis makan malam saya sambil memanjakan kuping dengan aksen Bre'-ish (baca saja begitu) yang lalu lalang, model-model cakep tampak seru berdebat. Di edisi kali itu, mereka juga diajarin untuk menjadi pelaku bisnis di dunia fashion. Mereka ditantang buat merancang sendiri konsep photoshoot, membelanjakan uang dengan bijaksana, serta menggunakan waktu dengan sebaik mungkin. Di situ saya berpikir, wew, seru juga ya, dan makin serius menyimak.

Mereka melakukan photo shoot untuk suatu situs fashion online store dari Inggris, team USA versus team UK. Yang satu mengeksekusi tema Punk Love, satunya 60's Mod. Semua berambisi untuk memberikan yang terbaik, walaupun ada yang enggak berhasil. Sebagai audience, menurut saya yang mereka lakukan itu udah oke banget. Semuanya kreatif dan punya team work yang oke.

Tiba waktunya untuk penjurian. Satu persatu model dikasih kritikan yang membangun. Ada yang dibilang pemimpin yang nggak becus, dibilang salah pilih foto, dikata-katain fotonya nggak menarik sama sekali, dan lain sebagaimana adanya penjurian. It is easy to be the one who watches, rather than the one who hears all those shits throwing to them faces. It's not that harsh, though.

Sampe satu model yang tadinya paling saya jagokan dari Inggris (mulai dari sini kita sebut saja dia si kece), yang emang paling bermasalah sejak zaman makeover, menghadap juri dan mulai menerima kritikan.

"I think in this picture you look like you're mean," ujar salah satu juri. Seketika juga muka si kece berubah drastis and the rest are nuts moments.

Salah satu Publisis (atau istilah Indo-nya Humas) kenamaan di dunia fashion yang jadi juri, yang emang judes mampus, bilang kalau si kece was so rude to her during the shoot. Merasa nggak terima dan teraniaya, si kece langsung tereak, NO! Yang rude itu eloo! Tingkah dia sukses bikin semua juri terpana.

"I think you really have issues with authority," kata juri utama dari kompetisi ini. "See, she is A PUBLICIST, and you are A MODEL, there's hierarchy here." Si kece yang nggak terima, mulai ngeluarin kata-kata makian and lashes out of the room, begging to be sent home.

Dari situ saya cukup lama termenung sih. Beberapa bulan terakhir saya belajar tentang tunduk pada otoritas, mostly I learn from Saturday sermons. Otoritas adalah orang yang ditunjuk Tuhan untuk jadi pemimpin, dan ditunjuknya seseorang tersebut tidak ada hubungan dengan sifat atau sikap apa yang orang tersebut miliki. Jadi mau orang yang jadi pemimpin itu kasar, korup, ataupun tidak tau terima kasih, we really have no choice but to obey.

Di sini, si kece memang pantes merasa kesal, karena dia sudah berusaha yang terbaik, tapi si publisis yang sensi tetap ngga menghargai hasil kerja dia. Tapi gimanapun, as the main judge said, ada hierarki yang berlaku. Suka atau ngga suka, kita harus tunduk pada otoritas.

Untuk bisa dipercaya menjadi pemimpin, terlebih dulu ada otoritas-otoritas yang Tuhan sediakan untuk kita belajar tunduk dan dilatih menjadi rendah hati. Salah si kece, dia tidak rendah hati dan tidak mau menerima didikan yang benar (bebal).

Tunduk Otoritas itu (Nggak) Susah

Susah-susah gampang sih kalo menurut saya. Konsep mikirnya disederhanakan saja. Tuhan menciptakan kita agar kita serupa dan segambar dengan Dia, untuk itu ada Roh Kudus yang diturunkan untuk membentuk kita, tinggal di dalam kita. Ia ada di dalam kita.

Kalau memang pribadi-Nya ada di dalam kita, sudah seharusnya kita mewarisi sifat-sifat ilahi-Nya dong? Salah satunya, ya itu tadi. Tunduk pada otoritas. Yesus sendiripun tunduk pada otoritas, terbukti dengan taat sampai mati.

Jadi Gimana Dong?

Matikan keinginan kita untuk melawan otoritas. Itu yang saya pelajari hari-hari ini. Sadar diri, dong! Siapa sih kita di dunia ini? Bukan siapa-siapa kalo kita nggak punya Tuhan. Jadi apakah pantas kita melawan siapapun itu yang Tuhan taro untuk jadi pemimpin atas kita? Not at all. No excuse whatsoever, mau sebrengsek apapun pemimipin kita, cuma taat satu-satunya jalan agar kita berkenan.

Seandainya aja si kece tadi mau ngedengerin, si publisis tadi sebetulnya baru akan memuji hasil fotonya, yang ternyata salah satu dari delapan foto terbaik. See? Condescending the authority only will lead us to defeat after defeat.

Foto yang tadinya bakal dipuji setelah performanya dikritik habis-habisan

"Barangsiapa ingin menjadi besar di antara kamu, hendaklah ia menjadi pelayanmu...Sama seperti Anak Manusia datang bkan untuk dilayani melainkan untuk melayani dan untuk memberika nyawa-Nya menjadi tebusan bagi banyak  orang" (Matius 20:26B+28)

"Sebab orang yang tak berpengalaman akan dibunuh oleh keenganannya, dan orang bebal akan dibinisakan oleh kelalaiannya" (Amsal 1:32)

In the Heat of the Day

Meet Augy

My friend screamed, this is so Harper's Bazaar. I just laughed (secretly hoping it's true! Ha!)

Sexy back!

So far, tis is my favorite dress!
I helped a dear friend doing a photo shoot for her lovely boutique, Kiwi Wardrobe. Actually, I offered to help. I said I'd like to have as many works as possible to finally have my own photography portfolio. Yeah, someday, somehow, I need to! Anywow, she said OK and there I was, taking few shots after a long long break due to internship

As I was almost drooling all over those small size clothing, I kind of contemplated on how big my hips are. That's the situation I always face every time I meet a long leggie (what I like to call girl with skinny legs). Anyeww, I still like how I am shaped because simply it's God's given. Meh. Period.

In the Heat of the Day

We laugh like an immature being
The clouds melt as we felt
The heat stroke
Oh to be free, at last
This one fine sun day

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Graphic Poet Doodling

joints and marrow


joints and marrow
Praying Hands

Dedicated this post to the Mighty Guard that fathering my universe, Jesus.
I never thought that at some point in life there will be a phase called "Carry Your Cross", not that I didn't know, I just didn't expect it to be as hard as giving up your safe home.

The last 3 years of my soon-to-be 21 years life, I have been nothing but a fighter in demand. I am not tough, never been. But the realization that you need to pass an initiation before you become the person God created you to be is quietly the formula that formed a man. Then the real life of moi, begun.

My dad, who basically is a strong dreamer, advised me to get out of Surabaya. The one convincing line he gave me was: "What will you get here? You need to explore." Well, I didn't like that much of exploration, I used to think. My furthest exploration so far is drowning in the imagination I chewed from books. And those were great enough. The dream I thought he and my mother would love to come true, I tried to live it.

The say that says if you're not living your dream, then you don't live. Now I get to say the addition, "if you're not living the dream you are here for, that's when you don't live." I spent my first year away from home, rejecting the fact that I am no longer in my safe place, hating, resisting family, parents, boyfriend. Until it reached the boiling temperature. They all were tired of holding me.

The second year was easier, healing all the wound, and getting the best friends and people I ever known in my whole life was the outcome of acceptance. I knew then, there were hard times God allowed you to face to carry you to the most mesmerizing experiences in life. While you kept rejecting, God kept on pushing you to know and accept, that He always knows what's best for you.

I was all happy and groovy, then another new beginning came. In the year of 2012, the Internship period begun. God only knew why would I rejected the big media company that secured an intern position for me. No, that's still a big mystery.

Ended up at a growing Public Relations agency with a great boss was the reality. Bittersweet, I cried my self the whole night (and the whole dawn) in the first month. I couldn't help but feeling afraid to go to work. Knowing that I might be yelled at with harsh tone that none of single human being ever used to describe or tell me something. Learning is not easy, but trying to have faith has never been.

I thought it was a mistake to go there, to ever been there. But, NO. Just because you don't like the situation you're in, doesn't mean it is not the right situation (I learnt that the hardest way). I was struggling to finally came up with the decision that I won't continue the last 4 month interning there. I felt like I was such a loser, leaving my roommate alone facing the enormous amount of fear alone. I blamed myself for being weak compared to her, really.

And so I prayed, I prayed that God would let me know if I was doing wrong, I prayed that the Holy Ghost would give me a single clue. But it was too late, the decision's been made to find another place. I was sorry, but continuing to apply somewhere else. Until one fine March Friday when the boss wasn't around, I applied to an online mega store for fashion. Hoping nothing, I continued my peaceful Friday.

At least half an hour later, my silenced phone lighted up. Incoming call from an unknown number, picked up, and friendly voice invited me to an afternoon interview, just the same day from that fashion online place. Just like a twinkling snap, I got an intern place! This time with a regular salary *grin.

I am writing this now from the laptop the company gave during the internship, from the desk beside my dorm mate back in uni. Now that it's easier to wake up in the morning, my sister is going to start her high school year soon so my parents needs to fulfill the tuition.

There were days when the cash is crashed. But it becomes easier to believing all the Saturday's sermons I listened from the powerful and inspiring female Pastor in the church I come to. I learned to give the first fruit (Exodus 23). Indeed, the Angel that He promised walked before my footsteps. Every time the money's thin, there's always so many little magic (like the stranger man paid my bus ticket, my supervisor took me out for lunch, or the freelance job from the old boss).

This is the most times that I could actually count His blessings and learnt new things so much. As bitter as I missed home and could not go back for another three months, the faith in me is increased. I could never thank THEE enough.